About Us
Cast of Characters:
My oldest son, born in June of 2010. Lover of all things
with wheels, fruit snacks, music, and Star Wars. He has a
penchant for the dramatic and is fiercely independent. The
ladies will be knocking each other down some day to get to
his impossibly long eyelashes.
Quinn joined the crew in December of 2012 and is mischievous, loving, and dangerously curious, leaving a path of destruction everywhere he goes. We learned about halfway through our pregnancy that Quinn would be born with Down syndrome. His very existence is my greatest accomplishment.
Born in May of 2015, Lucy is my first daughter and my last child. She is feisty, oh-so-clever, and has serious case of #FOMO. Her dimples slay even the hardest of hearts.She never stops talking.
I am a mother, a writer, a friend, and a teacher to entirely too many students. When I'm not busy keeping up with the aforementioned people, I love to read, write, make music, and attempt to complete Sunday's New York Times crossword puzzle. But let's be honest...I'm always busy.